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Residence Halls

Ursula was one of two full time EHDD staff who provided construction administration services throughout the entire construction phase of four new high rise residential halls and two remodeled underground academic facilities. She had been one of three Project Architects during the design phase and was responsible for all internal coordination of all building systems.

Buildings are a blend of apartments, individual dormitories and academic services providing accommodation for 874 residents.

Project has received numerous awards including the most prestigious National Honor Award, by American Institute of Architects, 2008. 


Units I+II Resident Halls, University of California, Berkeley

2003 - 2005

photos of completed project courtesy of EHDD


16 Tales of Units 1+II

Author Ursula Currie A.I.A

Luna Press, 2004


Post-construction Ursula authored an educational book documenting the 30-month experience of the construction process to help realize six new buildings on the University of California, Berkeley campus.  The book is formatted into sixteen chapters with the subject matter aligning with the sixteen divisions of the project manual, as outlined by the Construction Specifications Institute.

​©2022 by Ursula Currie, all rights reserved​ 

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